Since we became a family of four, our weekends have been absolutely insane and entirely too fast.. This weekend was certainly no exception.
Friday night entailed mommy time for me with my gals in one of my mom's groups. These evenings typically turn into some type of mommy shenanigans with a slice of therapy. The beautiful thing about this group of ladies is that we have now been friends for nearly a year and so every one's guard has come down and we've really begun to understand what makes each of us tic. It's a mixed bag of mom's with many other titles than mom including but not limited to: artists, photographers, teachers, cooks, IT pro's, waitresses, wives, mad skills shoppers and last but not least women who are just trying to make a good life for their families.
Saturday morning Jade and I attended a morning birthday party for a friend. I really loved the concept of a morning birthday party because it was PJ's for everyone and who doesn't love breakfast food? Laid back & cozy always works for us these days.
In the afternoon, I was able to sneak away with Adele for awhile for an impromptu shoe shopping trip with one of my very good pals. I realized that out of the MANY material addictions I tend toward, shoes are not one of them. The last time I shopped for fall/winter work shoes was three years ago. I am the type of girl who likes to buy the "perfect" pair of shoes and wear them down to the ground.
I've been looking forward to Sunday all week because it was triple celebration at my "sis's" place. The weather was flawless and it had been too long since I'd seen my EP second family. I felt inspired to dust off our Nikon D5000 for the occasion. Here's a few of my favorites:
Our Tiger |
Smiley baby with daddy who doesn't like to smile for pictures |
Auntie & Adele |
Three musketeers for the evening! |
Love this! |
My goddaughter :-) Go on with your bad self! |
Taking care of business!
Til next time! Goodnight all!
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