Tuesday, September 18, 2012

People first, then money, then things

I like to spend money, make it rain, burn a hole through my pocket etc.... This has been a constant source of anxiety in my life. In college I went on a 2 year spending spree that led to a decision to file for bankruptcy.

After college, I sobered up from money lightning fast after realizing that my long-term goals would surely be put on hold due to my bleak credit record.  I was angry at the choice I made but vowed never to make that mistake again.  Part of keeping that vow was educating myself on how money works.... Enter financial guru Suze Orman. "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke" saved my financial future and set me to a path of redemption for several years ahead.  Orman preaches the line "People first, then money, then things". That's simple right??  WELL sort of....

What I came to realize back then is that anytime major stress and/or life changes hit, my outlet is to shop.  I have several vices including shiny sparkly things, perfumes and purses.  It's a simple equation: stress + $$ = shop.

Well yeah major life change here we are! Low and behold I'm shopping more than usual....... OH WELL! I've come to the conclusion that as long as people are first, things can move up to second for awhile.

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