Sunday, September 29, 2013

Keep on Truckin

Last week was Homecoming Spirit Week at LHS.  I have a love/hate relationship with this week; on one hand, it's fun to dress up and promote activities, on the other hand, our kids usually get a little off-the wall.  This year's spirit events and homecoming court proved different.  Thursday morning first hour kicked off our spirit assembly games.  Each grade competes with each other until a champ in each of 6 or so games is called.  I head up to the weight room during this time to assist with our students who can't handle the sensory overload of being in a gym with 1500+ people... With that in mind, we have a great overall view and what I witnessed was the best sportsmanship and overall behavior of all time!  We were given a "heads up" a few days before spirit week, that a few of our students may be on the HC court.  Knowing this ahead of time was crucial in getting a game plan in action to prepare these students for the limelight.  Turns out, there was a least one winner in every grade who had a significant disability!  While I realize we are not the first high school to do something like this, it is a reflection of the student body's priorities.

I find myself diving into photography more and more as time goes on.  I love it as a hobby and appreciate those who photograph for a living! The competition is fierce and you need to have background and talent in many areas to be successful.  That being said, I am trying to focus on learning more about how to navigate my DSLR and how to create the best photographs of people.  I am signed up for a mentoring session with Amy Tripple at the end of October to get a direction of how to reach the latter goal.  I'm also starting to build a simple "prop box" for family photos.  One of my friend's requested that I take pictures of her and the family for their Christmas Cards! I'm excited to have my first official "session" with a great family.

I came across a post from one of my 18q parents that spoke about not treating those who are affected and there family's as victims.  Though we have to navigate a different road than most, each child's road is going to vary regardless of ability.  This ties in with continuing to live our lives with goals and hopes and dreams with the understanding of what Adele can and will potentially bring to the table. My aunt put it best when she said "Kelly, they're going to break your heart one way or another".  Hard times happen to all who choose to get into this crazy world called parenting!

On that note, time to write some "hopes and dreams" for other students and edit some photos from this weekend.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Lean In

Friday night started my outstanding Labor Day Weekend!  I took the opportunity to visit a friend who recently purchased a lovely new home.   She happened to reference one of our favorite reads of late: "Lean In".  I was reminded that leaning in should be done across many facets of our lives.

Saturday's version of leaning in came through the completion of my first obstacle run.  This was a 7k which included 27 obstacles, of which I completed 24 with the help and support of my co-worker and friend who stuck with me the entire time through!  Not to mention my husband and other friends waiting for us at the finish line!

Sunday morning, James, the girls, my friend and I went to Frankfort Fest with our friends who live right off the trail that leads to the fest.  We walked on a paved trail that lead to Downtown Frankfort where we were met with artisan crafters, carnival rides, music and food.  The girls went with James and his friend to the carnival while my friends and I wasted no time visiting as many artisan tents as possible! I picked up several great items including a few personalized ornaments, personalized ballet bag for Jade, metal signs for my classroom and home and of course, a cute teaching necklace!  We met up with the boys after an hour and half to pick up the girls while they made there way to the beer tent.  Of course, we needed to stop for gelato before we headed back to the house!  I was so appreciative of my friends helping to take care of our girls.  They took turns holding Jade and pushing Adele in the stroller.  These ladies hold a special place in my heart because they are fellow Special Education Teachers who speak my language and always feel like home!

After an awesome afternoon, we scurried to get the girls ready for an overnight visit with grandma and grandpa so James and I could get the house ready for a Labor Day soiree with my Neptune East Family!  We provided the beef, beer, wine and a few appetizers while everyone else brought a dish.  Our first game of the evening was a politically incorrect version of Apples to Apples which had me laughing so hard I cried!  We took a 10 minute break and moved onto Catch Phrase, which I haven't played in years but still manages to be a crowd favorite!  It always warms my heart to reunite with this family because I can say without a doubt, they provided the meaning of true friendship and partners in the best years of my life!

Today was a family centered day that started with breakfast with James down the street from where we had our first apartment together.  We picked up the girls from EP and headed over to The Arboretum for lunch and a hike.  Jade impressed me with her map reading abilities and new found love for bugs!  Adele took 20 steps on her own on the trail and was walking with me and James holding one hand! I love that Adele is now leading us to where she wants to go, not to mention that she will be full out chasing her sister in NO time!  This evening, I promised Jade that we would bake muffins together.  She was able to tell me how many eggs we needed and counted out how many muffin tins were needed.  I have noticed huge growth in her academic abilities since she started going to preschool two weeks ago.  I am confident that our babysitter set the stage for such huge growth!  She traces letters on signs without prompting and can identify 3 out 5 given letters (yes, I just slipped into goal writing.... good lord!!!)  Her enthusiasm warms my heart and I love hearing about new friends at school!

Leaning in and giving others the opportunity to lean in is what life is all about for me these days.