Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What it Takes

The beginning of every school year brings reflection and determination.  I am entering my second year of teaching having two kids.  Last year was a whirlwind of emotions and commitments made outside work to serve my family and my sanity.  This year I get to relish in a bit more stability and experience with how to orchestrate our three ring circus.

A couple of simple guidelines to strive for this school year: turn on my phone twice during the school day to check for messages, get one-to-one conversations going more often with my students and commit to limiting my weeknight commitments.

This morning I was thrilled when 8 of my Freshmen from last year came by to visit me in the morning before they started there day as Sophomores. One of my favorite things about walking the hallways from my classroom to the math wing for my co-taught class, is getting an opportunity to run into smiling students from years past.  I love seeing them grow-up year after year and keeping in touch with them throughout there time at LHS and after!

You see a great majority of us are always striving for better ways to do x,y & z in our classrooms, this goes without saying.  I'll tell you, just when you start to doubt that your not doing enough to make a difference, your reminded how much of a difference you do make.

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